Monday, May 12, 2008


I love being a mom. When my kids are gone, I feel like a part of me is gone! I don't think there is anything more important that I can do at this time in my life. This Mother's Day, however, I thought I'd post a bit about my own mom and what she did for me.

1. She brought me into this world after nearly nine months of throwing up!
2. She put her own dreams aside to help me pursue mine and be there for me.
3. She always made me look cute. There was a lot of hair curling involved! (and hours at the sewing machine!)
4. She taught me how to read.
5. She survived many years trying to teach me responsibility; this means at least eighteen years (plus!) of putting up with me losing things and forgetting things.
6. She taught me how to clean a bathroom and do laundry, putting up with all the whining that accompanied such tasks.
7. She supported my sports endeavors financially and emotionally, even though she probably thought I was a bit short-sighted at the time. She rarely missed one of my events, and was one of my loudest cheerleaders.
8. She taught me how to play the piano, and ensured I practiced every morning at 6 am for 10 years! (I can still hear her shout from the other room -- "B FLAT!")
9. She drove me to a neighboring town for school for three years in elementary school...just the beginning of her teaching me the value of education.
10. She taught me values by word and example.
11. She took me to church, exposing me to ideas and people that would shape my life.
12. She continually instilled in me the value of being a mother, and instilled in me a love for children. I began life as a mother with some very clear ideas about what I would or would not do, and many of these ideas were formed at home. I always thought of motherhood as the greatest privilege imaginable, with limitless possibilities to inspire children, make then happy, and do good in the world. Yes, being a mom is frustrating and exhausting at times, but rewarding as heck. (I learned that word from her too)

There are of course many more, but I'd better stop. My mom is amazing and I'm thankful for all she sacrificed for me!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Good News

We are expecting our fourth child on December the 12th. Yay! We are thrilled, and so are the kids. Isa has been especially attentive, taking "care" of me, patting my tummy, and saying random prayers at random times for the baby. Maia does occasionally refer to wanting to "smoosh" the baby, but I suppose that is normal. Lets just hope she'll get over that in the seven months she has left. :)

Yes, I am over 30 now--I guess that is a terrible omen about such things as weight gain and tire-ability, but I'm optimistic (even though I have felt sicker than any pregnancy I've had yet!). Just glad we can finally share our happy news...