Monday, June 16, 2008

my dad

My husband likes to poke fun at me about a few things I've saved over the years. Several of them relate to my dad. One of them is a candy bar wrapper. I was a teenager and I was off to EFY or something, and my dad slipped a giant candy bar into my suitcase. Another is a twenty dollar bill that is folded like a bird. It was a creative way of sending me money on my mission, but I could never bring myself to spend it. Ever since I was a little girl, my dad would fold paper (usually in church) in creative ways to keep me entertained. I've also saved little notes he wrote -- usually simple, telling me he loved me or inviting me to one of his killer French toast breakfasts. He is a gentle giant who loves nature, 8 tracks, books on most subjects, making things with his hands, and kids. He was always quietly kind, inspiring me in many ways just by sheer fact that he loved me and spent time with me. What a great dad.

The Grad

We were able to attend Miguel's graduation last weekend. I was so proud! He put in so much work and it was very rewarding to see him and the other students honored for their efforts. What an accomplishment. (and now we can sort of have a life again!) :)

Fishing in Utah

Seems like every time we visit Miguel's dad, he takes us fishing. The kids love it, and so do I. (Thats because I don't have to clean the fish!) He is a good fisherman AND a good grandpa.

Near Death Experience

In Utah I had a near death experience. Too bad I was sleeping! This happened on I-15...don't know what hit us, but it dented the post (dang it, new car!) and left a bunch of glass in my lap. Is this a sign? Should I stay away from Utah?