Monday, December 29, 2008

Best Christmas

This was an awesome Christmas. Something about having our little miracle here at the same time we celebrate the birth of the Savior was so special. We saved our Christmas shopping for December 23 (and I even got a couple of things on December 27--so sad!), but it was so nice to simplify! Just a few less distractions. We have also been the recipient of the kindness of our family as well as some complete strangers! Our ward has been so good to us to bring us meals and check on us periodically-- a family we don't even know surprised us with dinner on Christmas Eve. We also got to see Becky, Gavin, and Eleanor when they came to Utah-- a highlight for all of us and a sight for sore eyes! My sister also surprised us by eloping in Figi on the day after Christmas! I'm so happy she found such a great guy, and that she saved me a really long plane ride. (j/k) :)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Sweet Baby

After moving, I got in to see an OB that I quickly discovered I would rather not see, so after changing insurance I was able to see a doctor a friend had recommended. Because we still don't know many people, I've taken all my kids with me to various appointments (and had to be creative about explaining certain things, as well as offer some outright bribes for good behavior), including the ER yesterday (I'll get to that later).

I saw the new doctor on a Monday, and the very next day I went into labor! That Tuesday, I ran errands with my girls, and started feeling a really sharp, localized pain in my back and abdomen. It didn't come and go like contractions, but was constant and very painful. I tried laying down in the afternoon to get it to go away (I thought it was from carrying Maia around that morning), but nothing made it feel better. I also wasn't feeling the baby move and I had a fever. I was really afraid something was wrong! I really didn't want to go in (so inconvenient!, but decided that I probably ought to. I did end up calling my only friend in the immediate vicinity who was very nice about letting me leave the kids with her. I went to the hospital with my bag, though it wasn't completely packed, because I was sure they were sending me home! I didn't take cameras or anything else either. I called Miguel at work and told him to stay there, I was just getting checked and not to worry (he still teases me about this because I called him crying).

I'm sorry this is so long. Someone needs to help me learn how to abridge myself. I started having contractions on the way to the hospital, though they were light. At one point, I had to stop at a drive-thru burger joint to ask for directions to the hospital! The poor teenage girl looked like a deer in the headlights when I asked her how to get to the hospital-- at least she will always have that fun story to tell.

In the hospital, the L & D nurse was really nice (amazing how differently they treat you with a fourth baby than a first). I kept insisting that I probably wasn't in labor, that I just wanted them to check the baby, but of course they admitted me and strapped me up to all their machines and called the doctor. The machine showed that I was having contractions, and after an hour and a half of watching me they decided I was progressing and therefore decided to keep me!

My new doctor, bless his heart, actually came to check on me at 10 pm and I wasn't ready yet, so he went in another room and slept. Meantime, of course Miguel had arrived, my mom had driven down to take the kids (they actually stopped by...they weren't sure what to think), and my sister stayed with me after my mom left. Everyone tried to sleep a little, and the nurse came in about midnight to check me again. She said she thought I was pretty close to delivering, but wanted to check before we woke up everyone, so she asked me to give a little push and see what happened. Pretty quickly she asked me to stop pushing and she went to get the doctor.

The room was soon bustling with green scrub-clad medical people getting ready for our new arrival. The doctor and nurses were fiddling with his chair when I felt a funny sensation (I had an epidural) like the baby was starting to slip out a little bit. Everyone was pretty preoccupied, and I didn't want to bother them, but I thought I'd better tell them. "Um, I have a weird feeling like the baby is starting to slip out," was all it took and everyone was suddenly right there. Miguel said the baby's head was completely out already. Good thing I said something or that baby might have been on the floor! :)

One little push and she was out! To me, she is beautiful as can be, and has a different look than the other kids. (they are all beautiful as can be, I didn't mean that to come out wrong) Of course she is super sweet and has been a great baby so far. It has sure been fun having kids just a tad older this time, so they can enjoy her that much more.

It took a couple of days to get her a name, (another thing I went to the hospital without!) but having a couple of quiet days in the hospital seemed to help. It just seemed to fit her.

Since then, we've been beguiling away the time just enjoying her and enjoying each other. I have felt great except for my legs. I thought they'd get better after she was born, but they actually hurt worse for the first couple of days. Then I noticed a red, swollen,lump on one leg a few days after we got home from the hospital. The doctor said it was probably a blood clot. Since it was in a superficial vein, the doctor prescribed an antibiotic and wanted me to watch it for a few days to see if it improved.

It improved a little, but I was still having quite a bit of leg pain, and I was worried about a clot in a deeper vein. Again, so inconvenient, but since it was still hurting yesterday I had to go back to the ER so they could do an ultrasound on my leg. They noticed the superficial clot but nothing in the deep veins, though he noted that I "definitely have some varicosities." (thank you!) Its probably those that are still hurting.

So I have to continue to wear my fashion hosiery for the next four weeks and just make sure I don't sit or stand too much.

In the end, she is definitely worth it all! Amazing that once they get here, all of those aches and pains are worth it.

Moved in

Okay, so this is so tardy. We moved into our rental house mid-November, after a sad goodbye to our dear friends. We were nearly homeless at Christmas with a new baby on the way, as our first rental house fell through when all our stuff was loaded on the truck! We didn't even have internet to look for another one, and didn't know what to tell the driver to do with our stuff! Fortunately I had a list of rentals and phone numbers from an earlier search, and we found one that we had originally discounted because it couldn't be occupied until Dec 1. They let us move in early (thank heavens, since Ava came early!). It is a newer home in a pretty new development. I'm loving it for now, because it has an unfinished basement, which means plenty of storage and less to clean! Its been so nice to have that with a new baby...much easier to maintain (if you can call what I've been doing "maintaining!"). We also have an awesome back yard with an amazing view. Its funny, though, our kids were so used to playing in the front yard at the old house that they still go out front when its time to play! We also discovered we have a huge ward, and we already know several people in it. We live across the street from a couple I knew before (don't ask how!). Small world.