Thursday, February 14, 2008


What a great day. I woke up this morning and my husband had left me a card with some chocolate. Amazing he still loves me considering he knows my flaws better than anyone else. What a good guy.

Today as I rocked my little cute nearly-two-year-old to sleep, I couldn't help feeling so happy. As a parent, you give and give and yet always seem to get more in return. Who can put a price on a little angel, soft cheeks and wispy hair, succumbing to sweet sleep snuggled trustingly in mom's arms?

I got to read with the kids at school today. They are just so cute! I love that kids just are who they are--no pretense. They seem to absorb love and learning so freely.

I just love kids! Even when they're naughty, they are just freely expressing what they feel, whether that is anger or frustration or whether they're simply tired or bored. While there is definitely something to be said for developing self-control, their simplicity and honesty are so refreshing! And they seem to have limitless capacity to love.

1 comment:

Corinne said...

Oh, how I love children too. I agree with all your thoughts on that subject :)