Thursday, September 11, 2008

If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It

After three kids and seven years of parenting we have finally reached one of those milestones: a broken arm!

After soccer yesterday, I was getting in a much-needed and long-overdue chat with a friend I hardly ever see. Kaedon was playing with her son while Maia and Isa rode bikes (and I intermittently made half-hearted attempts to get them to the car!).

Right when it was time to go, Isa took a spill on her bike. We pulled her out from under the bike, checked for bumps and bruises (there were no bruises or scrapes!) and got her to the car. She was crying quite a bit, but it was also a little past dinnertime and I figured she was tired and hungry.

In the car, I looked back at her and noticed her arm looked a little weird. (maybe this was mommy paranoia?) Just to be sure, I asked her (without giving away that I had a certain arm in mind) if either of her arms hurt. She pointed to the one that was already suspect. With no real reason to suspect a break, I just felt that something wasn't right.

We got home late, the house was a wreck, there was nothing to eat for dinner (we had already had cereal for breakfast and lunch...there are limits, even for cereal), the girls were both crying, I had an appointment at church in 20 minutes, and my legs were killing me. I normally try not attack Miguel for a few minutes, but when he walked in the door a bit later, I said "I NEED SOME HELP!" I canceled my appointment and sat in the recliner holding two crying girls while he made dinner. Even though there wasn't much of a reason to suspect a break, but I still felt deep down that her arm was broken.

Dinner and medicine helped the atmosphere at home tremendously. We decided to wait until the morning, and if her arm still hurt, take her in to be seen. In the morning, there was still no bruising or swelling, but she couldn't turn her hand over and her arm was still really tender.

We went to Urgent Care and got X-rays, and the X-ray tech showed them to me briefly before we went back in to see the doc. I couldn't see anything and felt pretty silly, thinking I had been overly paranoid. I was very surprised when the doctor came in, saying the arm was broken after all! (mixed feelings here)

I chatted with the doctor while she casted her arm. She would periodically ask Isa questions and Isa would only look very gravely at her cast without saying anything. After she left the room, Isa held up her arm and said "Mom, its on the RIGHT arm!" (incidentally, the WRONG arm!) Can't believe neither I nor the doctor even noticed. Isa said the entire time she was casting it, she was thinking "wrong arm! wrong arm!" (THATs why she was looking so serious!) So Isa actually got to have TWO casts for a little bit-- a pink AND a purple. We took a picture with my phone and sent it to Dad (who as yet didn't know whether she had a break or not) and Grandpa/Grandma. We thought it was a pretty good joke to appear to have two broken arms instead of just one.

Afterward, we got her a treat and some medicine and she got to watch TV all afternoon! She said "this is kind of fun!" What a cutie.


Jolayne said...

A broken arm is so much easier than a broken leg. When you give her a shower or bath, newspaper bags work really well along with the press n' seal wrap to keep the water out. So sorry Isa.

My Angels said...

You poor thing!! I just saw you, it is crazy how a day can flip in a matter of minutes. You don't have to wait for your husband you know, please call me when you are in a bind or just need a break!!

Allison P.

Jen said...

Sorry Isa! We're glad that TV and treats can be so soothing.

Melissa said...

That's no fun at all! Poor thing. Glad you got it all figured out, 2 casts and all!

Ashley said...

What a crazy evening! I can just picture sweet little Isa sitting there looking at the WRONG arm being put in a cast!

Brandie Lyon said...

Sounds like a crazy night. It has happened to all of us. Watch out for things she may stick in the cast. We found a quarter in Jake's, during a check-up.