Tuesday, January 6, 2009

We Rode the Bus, Yes We Rode the Bus

Yes, I finally broke down and put my kids on the bus! And guess what, they're still alive! And so am I. Something about bundling up four kids three times a day, one of them a newborn, did it. Plus, we're the last stop before school-- its only 5 minutes. I am a little sad to not be the first one to see them after school, or the last to kiss them goodbye, and I had a hard first day. But something about seeing them run off to meet the neighbor kids or burst in all smiles after school makes it all worth it. I'll take happy smiling kids any day. Better than sad and lonely. I guess I'll have to get over the fact that I'm not going to be the center of their universe forever....might as well start getting used to it now. :)


Becky said...

Congratulations! That is a big step. I know I would feel your pain too. Especially putting one on the bus by herself.
Hopefully, this will give you more peaceful days with Maia and the little Ava.

Marie said...

Hallelujah!!!! I can't believe my ears! You will soon grow to LOVE the bus!!!! I am happy you did and at least you can know your kids love it too!

Jan T. said...

Congratulations on your new baby! I'm just getting caught up again on all the blogs I love to read! Glad she arrived safely....love her name! Tell Miguelito hello for us!