Sunday, May 24, 2009


When I was a kid, most of my favorite books were adventure novels. I loved Anne of Green Gables, but I also loved sword-weilding, evil-fighting, rough-and-tumble adventures like the Black Cauldron.

We recently celebrated 9 years of marriage. As I thought back to our nine years together, I think one of the words that most aptly describes our time together is adventure. Here are some of our adventures in statistical form:

Number of homes we've owned: 3
Lived in: 6
Number of children born to us in 9 years: 4
Number of pregnancies: 4
Family members we've lost: Miguel's mom, an uncle and a cousin
Number of times we've moved: 7
Number of times we've moved with a baby under six months: 3
Number of interntational moves: 2 (if you count moving to England and back)
Number of countries we've visited together: 14
Number of collective callings we've had: 19
Percentage of said callings as president of an auxiliary: roughly %10
Number of years without an air conditioner: 9 (soon to change! YES!)
US Family Vacations: Maine, San Diego, Southern Colorado, South Dakota
Number of homes that we've had to do some serious cleaning and fixing before moving in: 3
Lifetime friends we've left behind in our moves: too many to count
Types of pets: fish, snails(also too many to count!I know, gross), Triops, lambs, kitties
Collective number of advanced degrees obtained since we were married: 3
Number of jobs Miguel has held: 2
Number of times we've been robbed: 1
Cost of the robbery: $2,000

I think this all adds up to equal adventure! One thing is for sure-- we've never been bored. What a fun nine years.

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