This morning I had Maia and Ava bathed, dressed, and hair done, ready to go to dance. I was just finishing up a couple of last minute things and getting ready to go out the door when I realized our house had been awfully quiet for a few minutes. I had a bad feeling...our neighbor got a big pile of topsoil delivered, they wouldn't. Turns out they would! Knee deep in chocolate brown dirt! (Maia in brand new dance shoes!) By the time I got out there, Ava was actually lying on the dirt pile. To borrow/paraphrase a quote from a friend, "like any good mother, I ran and grabbed the camera first" [then yelled at them....felt sorry later].
This little cute culprit cut her hair again. When I asked her about it, she told me: Eugene didn't cut it. Well, that's a relief.
At the dinner table, the kids spontaneously started telling us what they want to be when they grow up. When it was Ava's turn, she said "When I grow up I want to be a horse."
At Kaedon's soccer game, I had brought some dark brown rye bread along for a snack. It was freezing cold outside, so we were hanging out in our car that, after a night with windows down in our garage, now smells of very ripe potatoes. Ava was eating some bread and simultaneously checking herself out in the mirror. I could see her chewing and processing and looking at her reflection. With her head tipped to the side, her mouth open, and a roughly cylindrical piece of partially chewed slimy rye bread in her mouth, she told her reflection: "poo."
One day the kids were telling each other how many kids they want to have some day. I'll admit I was tensely (forcing outward reserve) anticipating their responses-- some days I'm afraid that my stellar parenting is going to scare them away from being a parent. Isa said "I'm going to have forty-eight-tuplets! And then I'm going to have forty-eight-tuplets again!"
Even if they don't seem funny now - they all will someday!
Love the dirt pile pics. Sounds like you're going to have a lot of grandchildren!
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