So sorry to be so sentimental lately. If you only knew...I'm sparing you a lot. This is just the tip of the iceberg. (we put away the crib today! I have to say I absented myself...I could not watch or take part)
I have had an idea in my head a while. It has to do with babies and church and Walt Whitman. And it is a subject that has been on my mind a lot, because Emerson will be going to nursery here in one more month. (I need a little pep talk right now...not ready to let go!)
I have to admit, when Kaedon was little, I was thrown for a loop in church. I have mostly always loved church (as an adult, mind you), and it was hard to take a baby out because I hated missing anything. Church gives me a boost like nothing else can-- a little recharge and perspective changer for the week. So it can be frustrating to take a baby out. Sometimes I've even wondered why I was even there, I was missing so much.
Then, I turned around, and Kaedon was in nursery.
And I met a friend who helped me learn how to keep my babies from wanting to go out so much. So with the rest of my kids, I tried to keep enough in my bag to keep them busy and take them out only as a last resort. (They often forget its even an option when you rarely take them out) And when I did take them out, I made sure it was worse for them out of a meeting than in, ie-- no running around, drinks, or play...just sitting in a chair in a boring room. They quickly decide it's much more fun sitting on Mom's lap eating Cheerios and reading a book.
After changing my approach, my little ones were (mostly) so good, and I enjoyed the time just holding them, and realized they'd be in nursery before I knew it, that I learned not to wish away that time. I really soaked it up and enjoyed my little buddies. And I realized that even when I have to take them out, I'm learning how to be Christlike through actions and not just sermons.
I see so many frustrated first-time parents that I wish I had a way to explain this-- so they don't resent their child but see it as an opportunity.
Disclaimer: I love church. I love listening to people speak. I love the "old men" in our church-- LOVE them (see here) (I LOVE's my favorite and it's coming up!). They are so wise and I have learned so much from their wisdom and life experience. They are mostly not boring. This poem I wrote to mimic one of my favorites by Whitman, When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer. I tried my darnedest to keep to his original intent, meter, etc, and it was much harder than I thought. Won't be doing it again any time soon. Hopefully you will get the picture of what I'm trying to say?
When I Heard the Old Theologian
When I heard the old theologian,
When the nature of God was ranged in theory before me,
When I was shown the footnotes and references,
To highlight and cross-check them,
When I, sitting, heard the high councilman, where he
Lectured with much approbation in the chapel-hall,
How soon, unaccountable, my baby tired and sick;
Till rising and slipping out, held fast my child,
And under a pastel of Jesus touch'd with honey-sun,
I comforted and soothed 'til he fell asleep,
And, from time to time, look'd in wonder
At His face in my perfect
Sleeping babe.
1 comment:
Beautiful! I love that you even tried to copy Walt Whitman. :)
Church and our baby do not go together right now. We try to be like you though, and as soon as they're old enough we almost never take them out. At this point I'm trying not to feel guilty about just taking her home!
Last week walking in with Katie, she said, "I love church!" Made me so glad!
Enjoy Emerson in nursery - that is a fun phase too.
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