Tuesday, February 26, 2008


It seems we have had quite the week. Throwing up for five days, a new calling, a shark (I'll get to that), and some little kid humor.

A couple of months ago, Kaedon told me "Mom, I have two rows of teeth!" I told him that no one has two rows of teeth and to quit telling tall tales. Several days later when brushing his teeth I noticed that he did indeed have two rows of teeth. His new tooth had come in behind the one he hadn't lost yet. Of course I felt really terrible and had to apologize. Incidentally, I've been trying to teach him not to jump to conclusions and assume people are liars without having all the facts about a situation. Funny, funny. Of course, I realized later that it is probably every boys dream to have two rows of teeth like a shark, so when it happened again a couple of weeks ago we tried to make the most of it. :)

As for our other drama, we had the stomach flu at our house for five days. (not nearly as fun as having a shark in the house) Each child had it at least four days, which accounted for some big mess clean-up and trauma. Isa appeared late Saturday night looking like a swamp creature with you-know-what all in her hair, on her face, and dripping down her clothes. Poor thing. I thought that was the last of it with her, but a nearly identical thing happened two nights later. Kaedon threw up in his bed and was embarrassed so he didn't tell us...we discovered it at bedtime the next night! Just when we thought all the puking and pooping were done, some one else would have another go at it.

I was wondering if the sick feeling in my stomach was my own distemper (thats what Miguel's dad calls it), sympathy pains (especially during clean-up), or the fact that the bishop had asked me on Sunday to be the new Relief Society President. That'll teach me a thing or two! (I'll never complain about my calling again!) I think I'll write about this more later, as I need to find the words. :) One thing is for sure, Rochelle is truly amazing.

Lastly, to add to the melee, I think Maia said some of the funniest things she has ever said. To describe her tears when crying, she said "I'm dripping." She called my contacts "stickers." (hey, that is what they look like to a two-year old!) I told her "you're whining," and she replied "I'm not whining, I'm Maia." (did her dad teach her that?)

From sharks to swamp creatures its always good to have a little humor to give the other stuff perspective.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


...So, I've been reading a book about George Washington (if you call 5 mins a day reading)at night and also reading a book about the Civil War (while I walk on the treadmill). Interesting that George Washington was NOT PERFECT (don't know why I thought he would be)-- in fact, he was a man of fairly average intelligence and capabilities. (not super religious either-- though he did believe in God in a more passive sense) The big thing was-- he was always willing to do what he was asked to do or needed to do and then follow it through to the end. It was interesting to read how much Valley Forge influenced him and cemented in his mind the ideals of freedom for all. Turns out legends about the suffering at Valley Forge were true, that men did go shoeless, their feet leaving trails of blood on the snow. They were the most ordinary of the ordinary, they often were ill-equipped and shoeless, without good coats or clothes. I wondered if Washington's willingness to give up power when time came was influenced in part by his experiences with these everyday heroes who had sacrificed so much. Amazing how many men in world's history could not give up power, even if they had intended to at the start. I think Washington had learned to believe in depth of human courage and really believed principles of American Revolution.

Lincoln. I could go on and on. He is one of the big heroes for me. Humble, intelligent, a fighter for rights of people, overall great man. I read a story about how the proud George McClellan had returned from a dinner party and was informed that Lincoln and Seward had been waiting for an hour for his return so they could talk to him. A servant informed Lincoln 30 min. later that McClellan had gone to bed. Seward was furious, but Lincoln was calm. Said he would hold McClellan's horse for him if he would only help the Union win victories. (in Battle Cry of Freedom by James McPherson)

Lastly, yesterday, was reading about the battle of Shiloh. One of first big battles of Civil War as far as casualties go, was a huge shock for men fighting. Slept all night in a downpour between battles (Grant slept on field with his men). Next morning, as Union soldiers pursued Confederates, crossed yesterday's battlefield. Sight of wounded, dead, or dying was appalling. Wounded had gathered together in little groups through the rainstorm, suffering. Made me so sad! Good thing I didn't fall off the treadmill. Reminded me of BOM movie we watched other day, about how some of biggest heroes are just ordinary people. Made me appreciate how much some have sacrificed for freedom. They are my heroes.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


So, my little cutie is two today. Amazing that the more children one has, the quicker time seems to go.

Just yesterday, at the breakfast table, she told her dad "I'm cute, Dad." She is cute! It is an age of contrasts-- just learning to be naughty but still so cute I could eat her up. It seems I'm just now appreciating the unique spot she fills in our family. I was so overwhelmed when she was born-- we were finishing the house (we're still finishing the house!) and I had two other cuties to take care of. My husband started his MBA just 6 months later. It has been so busy we've had to cut way back on any extras, but I've had also had some extra one-on-one time with the kids I wouldn't have had otherwise.

It seems for a while I took each of the kids for granted, assuming they'll all be here forever. It can be so easy to let the daily routine drag me down and close my vision to the long term perspective. But recent health events in our family have made me realize how precious each of my kids are, and how blessed I am to be able to take care of them!

Today I am grateful for Maia. She is fun, sweet, spunky and independent as all get out, and smart. Our family would not be the same without her.

Friday, February 15, 2008


So...I love poetry. A fun story played on NPR yesterday about a whimsical Valentine poet. His poem, "A Map of the World," is a beautiful expression of the enduring qualities of love. Here is the link: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=18990762

Reminded me of my husband, who loves to travel. We were sitting in my sister's potato chair in her room one day and laughing together. She has postcards and a map of the world on her wall. With his arm around me, he told her "have lover, must travel."

Thursday, February 14, 2008


What a great day. I woke up this morning and my husband had left me a card with some chocolate. Amazing he still loves me considering he knows my flaws better than anyone else. What a good guy.

Today as I rocked my little cute nearly-two-year-old to sleep, I couldn't help feeling so happy. As a parent, you give and give and yet always seem to get more in return. Who can put a price on a little angel, soft cheeks and wispy hair, succumbing to sweet sleep snuggled trustingly in mom's arms?

I got to read with the kids at school today. They are just so cute! I love that kids just are who they are--no pretense. They seem to absorb love and learning so freely.

I just love kids! Even when they're naughty, they are just freely expressing what they feel, whether that is anger or frustration or whether they're simply tired or bored. While there is definitely something to be said for developing self-control, their simplicity and honesty are so refreshing! And they seem to have limitless capacity to love.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


As much as I didn't want to blog (its much easier and more enjoyable to read blogs written by others, particularly my beloved friends), I have felt the necessity of doing this for several reasons. The main one is simply that I want to be able to let family and friends see what we're up to. I may just blog like crazy for one week and then let my procrastinating self take over. So, to my dear family, don't get your hopes up about finally getting more pictures and news from us. But we will try.

I had some grandiose ideas about helping to dispel a few misconceptions about Mormons too (sheesh, people have some big ones). I don't think anyone who isn't Mormon is going to read this, and those who are, already know we don't worship Satan. :)

First Day

Well, this is my first try at blogging. Let's hope this isn't as disastrous as my record with other electronic media. I don't really have anything to say! Does this thing have a spell checker? This could get ugly.