Sunday, July 5, 2009

Milestone Mania

We have still been so busy! But here are some of our most recent milestones:

* My sister got married! She married such a great guy. We are so excited to have him in the family. Next order of business: get my kids some cousins! Ha ha just kidding. Not really.

* On the night of my sister's wedding party, Ava got her first tooth! My kids have all been late teethers, with Isa being the latest, getting her first tooth at one year. I was doubly surprised when she got her second tooth the very next day! What a surprise.

* We lost our first pet. I wrote a whole post on the sad ordeal, but decided not to publish it, its just too sad. One of our little lambies ate a poisonous plant and died a slow, sad death. When she was dying it was so hard to watch her suffering. In the final stages, it started to pour down rain on our poor little lamb. The kids stood out in the rain holding umbrellas over her while she died, even though they were getting soaked themselves. Kaedon had a good cry, but now our little pet is at peace, our first little grave consecrating our new place for future generations of pet casualties.

Little did we know how soon our lambie would have companions! My sister gave Isa two kitties for her birthday. One of them died just a few days later. It was also very sad. Then the other one ran away! We are not having a good track record here.

* Isa turned six! She has been such a fun girl to have around.