Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Getaway!

I was going to wait to post this for a bit in order to avoid blog overload, but decided I'd rather be caught up!

We took a much needed vacation last week-- we have had quite the year, and Miguel had yet to take a single vacation day in almost a year. It was time! Needless to say, we had the most wonderful vacation to date. Its getting harder to get away with school and sports schedules to work around, and our summer was a little crazy! Our next one has to be Colorado-- I'm just dying to see friends and babies and babies of friends!

Another Smilebox, I know, I know. At least I can burn it to CD for a sort of scrapbooky-thing.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Our summer in pictures

Okay, okay, so I'm addicted to Smilebox! I signed up for a free trial membership and have to squeeze it in before I can't use it anymore. Enjoy our summer in pictures.

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Kaedon's Baptism

Kaedon turned 8! What a great kid he has always been-- very kind and such a good big brother! It was so wonderful to see who showed up at his baptism! Our families were there, including my grandparents, some friends, and my mission president and his wife. What a surprise, though, when some friends from Colorado showed up! It was so wonderful to have so many loved ones to share his special day.

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