Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Narrow Escape and Quotable Quotes

My sister and her husband just moved back to the US (California) from Australia. It will be nice to have them closer for a little while before they travel the world! They played with my kids and were really good sports.

We also met my other sister's boyfriend and he seemed like a cute, nice guy too. Late at night, our topic turned to poo and such, and so I hope he comes back.

During the festivities at my parents house, Ava escaped! My parents live on a corner, facing a busy street. I'm so glad Ava chose to go down the non-busy road, but what a scare! Three young rescuing-angel teenage boys saw a baby in the street and went searching for her parents. Since my parents don't normally have a baby at their house, they followed a family on a walk, who said she wasn't theirs, and tried several neighbors before returning to my parents house. We didn't even know she was gone! I am ashamed to admit it. So glad she is safe! That was a close one.

While we were at my parents, my mom was using the bathroom when she heard some frenzied knocking at the door. Maia, in her four-year old way, was saying, "I gotta go potty!" My mom hurriedly sprayed the bathroom with some of that fruity bathroom spray that our family does not possess (she has a very nice smelling house in general anyway) and let her in. Maia asked her "Grandma, did you poop or pee?" "I pooed," my mom replied. "Wow, Grandma, your poo smells GOOOD!" said Maia in a congratulatory way. I hope my mom will not be embarrassed that I just advertised this story to the whole world. :)

Not to be gross here, but I guess I'm on a streak, so I may as well keep going. A twenty-year old skinny Hoover salesman came over and gave us a terribly long schpiel about a really expensive vacuum. The only reason I did it is they promised to carpet clean a whole room. It turned out to be more than I bargained for, as he was at our house for three hours. At one point during his demonstration, he was trying to communicate the dangers of dust mites, and therefore the need for a good vacuum to obliterate them. He told us in a sinister sort of way that many people experienced an allergic reaction to the dust mites. He said "its from the dust mites FORNICATING!" I think he meant to say "defecating." Since I got the whole presentation twice (don't ask) I got to verify that I did indeed hear him correctly the first time. It was so hard not to laugh.

We got an ecology book from the library and Maia and I attempted to make ourselves a little smarter during the day while all the others were away. She was so cute, inquisitive, and grave when we read about any animal eating another animal. The result, though, seemed a greater appreciation for our bodies, for nature, etc. Last night at dinner, Maia said a super long prayer thanking Heavenly Father for everything. She ended with "thank you that Isa is so special, thank you that Kaedon is special, thank you that Mom is special, thank you that Dad is special, thank you that Ava is special, and thank you that I am the best of all." Miguel was laughing so hard he was shaking.