Monday, August 8, 2011

Harry Mania

Isa just turned eight and wanted a Harry Potter birthday party. It was too much fun-- I took on a little too much considering I have a newborn. Oh well-- it was sure fun. Sure love her and will post more on her baptism later.

Got a lot of ideas from my friend Jen's blog. I made wands myself-- so fun but way more time than I had! (google: instructable Harry Potter wands) Fun to hear the kids saying "stupify!" to eachother all day. They like to point their wands at Emerson and say "Cutify!" Kaedon says I should make Emerson a shirt that says "Accio mommy!"

We made the owl portion of the invitations with my mom's Cricut (or rather, my mom and Isa made them). We got the imitation seal stickers at Michael's and even dowloaded a couple of Harry Potter fonts for the written part of the invitation. We punched small holes in the owl's feet and tied the invite on with twine.

Our favorite was putting a drop of food coloring in the bottom of the potion bottles and then I filled them with Sprite (poured from a large glass bottle that I had pre-filled) and watched them magically change color. They loved drinking out of their potion bottles-- only cost 1.25 at Michaels and I let them take them home. We just printed labels found on the internet. It was a bit problematic getting the labels on the round bottles.

A BYU Harry Potter spoof that my kids wanted me to play over and over-- it made us laugh: