Thursday, October 11, 2012

Halloween Fun

Don't you just love this month?

I'm sorry.  I tend to blog more often at my other blog right now.  Even about day-to -day stuff, which I thought I'd reserve for this blog!  Oh well.

Here is some of our latest via Instagram.  You can read more about adventures in these pictures:  Happy Halloween everyone!


Harry Potter movie night.

Slimed!  With a green smoothie.  And so pleased.  Can you see his toenails?  I was painting Ava's, and he kept emitting a loud, high pitched squeak and sticking his foot in next to hers.  He was not content until each toenail was painted.  And he has been so proud of those toes. 

Ava wanted some "acorns" with her lunch.  I told her she had to wait.  But she still insisted on keeping the acorns close.  Very close.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Will Work for Food

A friend of mine asked me to take her family's pictures.  I was really flattered, and a little bit scared, because I am a major rookie at photography.  If I get a good shot, it is usually an accident.  :)  But, knowing that I would be doing her a service, that she wouldn't be out anything, made me feel better.  Oh yeah, and the fact that she fed my whole family and taught us an FHE lesson.  While I was taking the pictures, I thought, I think I'd trade photos for making dinner any day!  
I had a minor panic attack when the bench in the pictures looked tilted, really tilted, but Photoshop is magic!
What a darling family.  And I just loved watching the husband wife relationship in play here-- they are really cute with eachother.

 I had a less blurry one of these two but this was the momma's favorite.