Tuesday, February 19, 2008


...So, I've been reading a book about George Washington (if you call 5 mins a day reading)at night and also reading a book about the Civil War (while I walk on the treadmill). Interesting that George Washington was NOT PERFECT (don't know why I thought he would be)-- in fact, he was a man of fairly average intelligence and capabilities. (not super religious either-- though he did believe in God in a more passive sense) The big thing was-- he was always willing to do what he was asked to do or needed to do and then follow it through to the end. It was interesting to read how much Valley Forge influenced him and cemented in his mind the ideals of freedom for all. Turns out legends about the suffering at Valley Forge were true, that men did go shoeless, their feet leaving trails of blood on the snow. They were the most ordinary of the ordinary, they often were ill-equipped and shoeless, without good coats or clothes. I wondered if Washington's willingness to give up power when time came was influenced in part by his experiences with these everyday heroes who had sacrificed so much. Amazing how many men in world's history could not give up power, even if they had intended to at the start. I think Washington had learned to believe in depth of human courage and really believed principles of American Revolution.

Lincoln. I could go on and on. He is one of the big heroes for me. Humble, intelligent, a fighter for rights of people, overall great man. I read a story about how the proud George McClellan had returned from a dinner party and was informed that Lincoln and Seward had been waiting for an hour for his return so they could talk to him. A servant informed Lincoln 30 min. later that McClellan had gone to bed. Seward was furious, but Lincoln was calm. Said he would hold McClellan's horse for him if he would only help the Union win victories. (in Battle Cry of Freedom by James McPherson)

Lastly, yesterday, was reading about the battle of Shiloh. One of first big battles of Civil War as far as casualties go, was a huge shock for men fighting. Slept all night in a downpour between battles (Grant slept on field with his men). Next morning, as Union soldiers pursued Confederates, crossed yesterday's battlefield. Sight of wounded, dead, or dying was appalling. Wounded had gathered together in little groups through the rainstorm, suffering. Made me so sad! Good thing I didn't fall off the treadmill. Reminded me of BOM movie we watched other day, about how some of biggest heroes are just ordinary people. Made me appreciate how much some have sacrificed for freedom. They are my heroes.


Carli said...

Thanks for the invite! I look forward to reading what you want to share. You always have such great things to say.

Smitty said...

My dear, you always amaze me. Your depth of feeling and understanding are like magnets to those of us who are too rushed. I love everything that ever comes out of your mouth and I learn so much from you. Thanks, my sweet daughter for the motivation! I love you!

Rochelle said...


You are one of my everyday hereos -you endure through tough circumstances with grace and faith. I am excited to read your perspecitve and learn from you!