Tuesday, February 26, 2008


It seems we have had quite the week. Throwing up for five days, a new calling, a shark (I'll get to that), and some little kid humor.

A couple of months ago, Kaedon told me "Mom, I have two rows of teeth!" I told him that no one has two rows of teeth and to quit telling tall tales. Several days later when brushing his teeth I noticed that he did indeed have two rows of teeth. His new tooth had come in behind the one he hadn't lost yet. Of course I felt really terrible and had to apologize. Incidentally, I've been trying to teach him not to jump to conclusions and assume people are liars without having all the facts about a situation. Funny, funny. Of course, I realized later that it is probably every boys dream to have two rows of teeth like a shark, so when it happened again a couple of weeks ago we tried to make the most of it. :)

As for our other drama, we had the stomach flu at our house for five days. (not nearly as fun as having a shark in the house) Each child had it at least four days, which accounted for some big mess clean-up and trauma. Isa appeared late Saturday night looking like a swamp creature with you-know-what all in her hair, on her face, and dripping down her clothes. Poor thing. I thought that was the last of it with her, but a nearly identical thing happened two nights later. Kaedon threw up in his bed and was embarrassed so he didn't tell us...we discovered it at bedtime the next night! Just when we thought all the puking and pooping were done, some one else would have another go at it.

I was wondering if the sick feeling in my stomach was my own distemper (thats what Miguel's dad calls it), sympathy pains (especially during clean-up), or the fact that the bishop had asked me on Sunday to be the new Relief Society President. That'll teach me a thing or two! (I'll never complain about my calling again!) I think I'll write about this more later, as I need to find the words. :) One thing is for sure, Rochelle is truly amazing.

Lastly, to add to the melee, I think Maia said some of the funniest things she has ever said. To describe her tears when crying, she said "I'm dripping." She called my contacts "stickers." (hey, that is what they look like to a two-year old!) I told her "you're whining," and she replied "I'm not whining, I'm Maia." (did her dad teach her that?)

From sharks to swamp creatures its always good to have a little humor to give the other stuff perspective.


Micaela said...

Maia is so funny! She seems sooo quite and mellow in public, but then you tell these stories! She must be a little more vocal at home. =) By the way, you are going to be a FABULOUS relief society president. I am so so happy you were called.

Jen said...

What a week! You are such a fun mom--you really do find the innocence and hilarity in what kids say/do. It reminds me to do the same.

Ashley said...

Cleaning up "you-know-what" is no fun! I hope everyone gets feeling better really soon! I love Maia's name for your contacts. Kyla calls m contacts "my eyes". Which i guess they are. :)

Corinne said...

OH MY GOSH. Awesome. RS Pres scares me to death :) You'll be amazing. I'm so sorry about the puke. YUCK. I feel your pain :)

Rochelle said...

I don't know of anyone who's had more of a "baptism-by-fire" than you and your counselors! You are and will be a fabulous RS president!