Saturday, February 16, 2008


So, my little cutie is two today. Amazing that the more children one has, the quicker time seems to go.

Just yesterday, at the breakfast table, she told her dad "I'm cute, Dad." She is cute! It is an age of contrasts-- just learning to be naughty but still so cute I could eat her up. It seems I'm just now appreciating the unique spot she fills in our family. I was so overwhelmed when she was born-- we were finishing the house (we're still finishing the house!) and I had two other cuties to take care of. My husband started his MBA just 6 months later. It has been so busy we've had to cut way back on any extras, but I've had also had some extra one-on-one time with the kids I wouldn't have had otherwise.

It seems for a while I took each of the kids for granted, assuming they'll all be here forever. It can be so easy to let the daily routine drag me down and close my vision to the long term perspective. But recent health events in our family have made me realize how precious each of my kids are, and how blessed I am to be able to take care of them!

Today I am grateful for Maia. She is fun, sweet, spunky and independent as all get out, and smart. Our family would not be the same without her.


Ashley said...

Yes- she is cute, as are all your kids! That's too funny she says it though. I'll have to teach Kyla that one :)

Smitty said...

I love these pictures. What fun! I adore little Maia! --Mom