Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Abominable Snow Shovel

Do you ever have one of those dreams that someone is chasing you, and no matter how hard you try, you just can't shake them? One recurring theme in my nighmares is when I try to call 911, the phone won't work.

It has snowed a ton here, much more than we are used to. We weren't good snow-shovellers to begin with, AND Miguel has had to put in many extra hours at work. Even though the house was a wreck, I tried my hand at shovelling the other day. I was sure I looked awkward (hey, I never do it!) and of course imagtined that all the neighbors were staring at me. And the snow was dang heavy! I had envisioned clearing the whole driveway in a short time by running with the shovel through powdery snow. It was not like that. It was heavy. It hurt my back. I got the steps cleared and about two feet in front of the garage. Then I went inside. To heck with shovelling, this is the pits!

Coincidentally, the next night I had a dream that someone was chasing me and I just couldn't get away. I ran into other people's houses and hid in their closets, borrowed their phones (of couse the phones wouldn't dial 911), and tried escaping my attacker by running out the back door and through neighbors yards as fast as I could. At one point, I ran into a house afert passing a man who was standing in his driveway. After I passed, the man faced off with the "bad guy"-- he squared his shoulders, blocking the walkway, and raised....guess what? A shovel. For some reason, the guy chasing me also had a shovel. They had a pretty nasty fight with those shovels.

It took me a little while to put two and two together. I had a nightmare with a fight involving shovels! I think this is a sign that I should definitely NOT try to shovel the driveway again. I'd better just stay inside my messy house. I'm definitely safe there.

1 comment:

mjnetty said...

You're definitely right! Stay in while it's cold and snowy. I used to have a recurring dream about an abominable snow monster chasing me. Maybe it's something about snow... I'm just glad it's getting warmer now.