Monday, March 23, 2009

Isa's Song

Isa wrote a song. I thought it was so adorable! I love this stage of "phoentic spelling." I feel a bit reluctant to teach her correct spelling because I love the way she writes her words. Just in case you can't read her song, I'm going to type and interpret.

Wot [what] do you do on go to church and you eat lunch aftr...wot do you do on wach [watch] schos [shows] and you eat an appl...wat do you do on Tuesday you war [wear] green to school and you war green to Grandma's...wot do you do on make some crafs [crafts] and you paly [play] with yore mom...wot do you do on look at hawsese [houses] and feed the triops...wat do you do on reed [read] book's and you wach [watch] a moovee...wat do you do on Saturday you kleenup [clean up] the haws [house]

She did this on a Sunday, before any of this had happened. I was amazed at her perceptiveness-- the fact that she knew Tues was St. Patrick's Day (we were to go to my parent's for a green dinner that night), and also that she knew at least one day we would go out to look at houses. Also that she knew Saturday is job day (I'm not that consistent about this-- I'm not sure Kaedon knows Saturday is job day!) See this link if your curious about Triops: http:// Ugly little creatures, thats for sure, but fun (one time!).


mjnetty said...

Very cute - she'll be a composer when she gets older. I love that phonetic stage also. I have a kindergartner doing the same thing.

Karl said...

What a treasure ! I've read Karl's 2nd grade story about snakes and cowboys and rainbows; I'm so glad his mom saved it.

Ashley said...

She is one beautiful, bright girl! That is a great way to preserve something that will be so fun for her to look back on! Kyla wishes Mia could poof herself here too! :)