Saturday, March 29, 2008


Its that time of year when I find various shades of pastel Easter grass in such unlikely places as the dishwasher and my shorts drawer. I don't remember the last time St. Patrick's Day, the first day of Spring, AND Easter were all in the same week. Kind of fun.

So my Mom does holidays amazingly well. For Valentines Day we always had a red dinner, for St. Patrick's we had green, and every other holiday was celebrated at my house with much festivity and style. My Mom always pays great attention to detail, with matching dishes (sometimes plastic or paper, but always festive), cute centerpieces, and theme-oriented food. This has always been great fun.

I have to admit, I enjoy it when someone else puts forth the work, but not so much when I am running the show. In fact, sometimes my expectations for what I need to do are so high I don't do anything at all. So, although my attempts were thrown together at the last minute and a bit weak this year, I was proud of our St. Patty's Day green dinner. Of course, it still pales in comparison to my Mom's fabulous green dinners. (Note that my centerpiece happens to be one of my favorite birthday gifts, minus the chopped off blossoms) :)

Easter, also very low-key. The Easter Bunny did manage to make it to our house, and I did put an Easter tablecloth on the table for dinner (one that my mom gave me, no less!). I felt pretty heroic. Also interesting that in the fresh snow on our walk outside were many rabbit tracks. Hows that for ambiance? Wish I could take credit for that one.

This Easter I've been feeling especially grateful for my previously little-noticed blessings. I've been more thankful for the food on the table (even if the mashed potatoes are green), that I have a healthy family to share it with, and a roof over my head. Most of all, I'm thankful for my Ultimate Hero, who was always concerned about the one, the one who no one else seemed to notice at times. He is still concerned about the one. I have to echoe the statement that I'm amazed "he would descend from His throne divine, to rescue a soul so rebellious and proud as mine." He rescues me every day, even though I'm not always paying attention. When I feel invisible as a Mom, I have to remember all the great things He does under that cloak of invisibility.


Marie said...

Oh Corinne... you are fabulous and inspiring! Our St. Patty's dinner didn't go over so well. Usually I make corned beef and cabbage, but my family HATES the stuff so this year I made shephard's pie and soda bread.... while I at least got Shane on my side, the kids still didn't enjoy it! Oh well, EVERY holdiay can't be perfect!

Megan and Jon said...

Amazing Amazing, I can see your mom doing fabulous things for every holiday and it looks like you are following in her footsteps. Your blog is so fun to real alwways inspires me. You should be a writer

Erica said...

You are so inspiring! You need to know that you are a wonderful person. Try to carry on those traditions that you had as much as possible, just like you remember them so well, so will your kids. I'm still working on that here in our home too. It seemed such a bigger deal when I was a kid.