Friday, March 14, 2008

No Words

So...a few months ago I found myself thinking of all the amazing women I know and all they sacrifice for their families and the community. Every day it seems I see someone doing something quietly amazing for someone else. I wondered to myself how anyone who knew Mormons could possibly think of them as a Satanic cult. Then Mitt Romney came along and I saw that there are still so many prevalent misconceptions. I felt so frustrated....I wanted to be able to answer people face-to-face, yet this was not an option. So I tried to think of a way to answer back, so to speak. At the very least, I wanted to defend these people who I love so much and who are so good, yet so misunderstood. Yet, I didn't want to sound defensive. I thought about what Mormonism means to me, that its overriding theme is about being a better person each day, and trying to be more like Jesus Christ. I don't know the answers to all the anti-Mormon stuff out there, but I know that Mormonism has made my life better and inspired me to desire to be better.

So, I wrote an essay and submitted it to "This I Believe," which airs occasional essays on NPR. This January was the tenth anniversary for when I left on my mission, so its been on my mind a lot the last few months. I decided to write an essay about my mission, because it was so life-altering for me. I figured people not of my faith might find such an experience interesting (it may be commonplace to Mormons, but to others, its quite unique). I also wanted it to be personal-- about a person, an individual, and not a doctrine or a practice. Instead of arguing or getting defensive, I felt like I just wanted to show rather than tell someone what being a Mormon was all about to me. And I hope that people will see that its end result in my life was good, even if they don't agree with Church doctrine or want to become members themselves.

When I tried to submit my essay, it was way too long. (surprise, for those of you who had had your head talked off by me...sorry) So I had to cut it way didn't end up sounding like I wanted it to sound, but I'm glad I did it. In the end, it was good for me! Made me appreciate writers (its so much harder to make the words sound effortless and the thoughts/ideas flow than I ever imagined!), and also made me think about my life, my religion, and why I do what I do. Also brought back some very tender feelings about the people I met on my mission, made me realize how rewarding it is to serve people. (little did I imagine I'd get the opportunity so soon after writing it!)

As I look around me, it seems everyone else learned lessons about helping others and unselfishness without serving missions. It seems I just needed an extra push.

The essay did not get approved for NPR (no surprises there), but it is published on the This I Believe website, under my last name.

One last disclaimer. I put something about being a mom at the end. It seemed to me that learning to love serving others naturally translated into being a mom. I love being a mom, it is another one of those amazing things that makes you look at the world in a completely different way. I wanted to share some of the great moments I've had with my kids (because of time and space I used experiences we have had for the last 6 years-- such as floating boats down little stream 1/2 mi. from our house in England-- but didn't have space to explain relativity, etc-- realized later I implied we have a stream, oops). BUT our life is far from as idyllic as I portrayed. I definitely have moments when I contemplate becoming a murderess, even though I love being a mom. or click on "No Words" title above. (don't you love how I titled my longest posting yet "No Words?" Gotta love it.)


Smitty said...

I loved your article. It was very inspiring. It made me want to endeavor to speak up more about my religion. It reminded me of the companion to living your religion by loving and serving---Happiness!
Good luck in your calling. I love you!

Megan and Jon said...

Going to read it now. I got your blog from Jan Balls who must have gotten it from your mom.. This is Megan Kenney your moms old neighbor we meet and could have talked for days about running.. So I'm excited to read you blog and say Hello..
my blog is

Marie said...

I'd like to read the final draft! I admire you for feeling stongly about something and actually following through and doing it. You are such a super great example. Thanks!

Ashley said...

Good for you! Even if it wasn't used, i still think it's very empowering to express yourself in words or writing. It can be very therapeutic!