Thursday, February 9, 2012


We had a really nice Christmas.  This year, we tried something I've wanted to try for years but never have.  I got this idea from a family on my mission-- I was so impressed by their family and how they celebrated Christmas.

A few days  before Christmas (wish I had planned ahead) we drew names and each child made something for the one whose name he/she had.  We called it "Gift of the Heart" and it wasn't supposed to cost more than $2.  I broke out the sewing machine and we got creative.  Isa made Kaedon a sleepover pillowcase (for sleepovers with siblings, which they love to do)-- its just an extra large pillowcase made from extra curtain fabric from his room.  Kaedon made Maia a "Special Things Bag"-- he chose the fabric and ribbon and made the card to pin on the front.  Maia made Ava a pillow with a little house and button for a doorknob.  She cut out the fabric and got it all set up herself.  Ava made Emerson a shaker out of an old bottle.  We put rice, glitter, and other assorted objects inside and put duct tape around the top for extra insurance and some gripping power.  I made Isa a toothfairy bag to put her tooth in.  Miguel wired me some lights in the basement in our storage room-- it is awesome!  I put together a book of scrapbook pages his aunts send us every year.  They scrapbook a memory and usually a recipe, and with his Mom gone, these are special to us as they often include a memory of her.

On Christmas Eve, we had a "Bethlehem Dinner."  We made Challah bread together-- it was yummy and fun to make.  We dressed in clothes they would have worn during Jesus' time and ate fish and bread with our hands while sitting on the floor.  We had candles around for light.  After our dinner, we watched some of these beautiful videos of Jesus' birth.  Then we exchanged our gifts from the heart.    Though this did add some extra work and mess, it was worth it.  The kids really loved it and asked if we could do it every year. 

These new Bible videos are gorgeous.  They are so well done.

My favorite gifts this year were the hand made ones.  We got a memory game and puzzle from Aunt Melinda made from our kids pictures.  It is so cute!  It makes six different puzzles.  Its fun to have a toy with our memories on it.  My mom made us matching PJ's, and even though Miguel is not normally a pajama wearer, he has been wearing them every night!  I also got Photoshop Elements and have had fun playing around editing my pictures. 

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh those precious photos! Love the family pajama pic.