Thursday, May 31, 2012

Holy Moly

We have had some funny things happen to us at church, especially the last couple of years. 

Some days you'd think we were at the circus.  Especially when its my turn to play the organ  (lets just say I've perfected the "do that and die" look, when I'm on the stand and Miguel is out with the baby and the kids are acting up). 

When Isa had a broken leg and a thigh high purple-striped cast, Miguel went out of town one Sunday.  I had to play the organ, didn't think much of it.  I told Kaedon if Ava needed something, he was in charge.  Then I asked Isa to help (why would I ask a child with a broken leg to help?).  At one point, in the middle of a song, I noticed Ava leaving the room.  Kaedon got up and followed her.  So did Isa, hopping on one leg.  Maia hopped up and trailed behind the rest of the kids.  Ava's always had a little spunk, and she wasn't about to be told what to do by her then 8 year-old brother.  Lets just say she ran in a big loop around the room, up and down the aisles, with a brother, one hopping sister and one running sister behind her in hot pursuit.  I got to watch all this out of the corner of my eye while trying to maintain a semblance of dignity in the song (and I hate being the center of attention more than almost anything).  After they sat down, Ava started screaming for me (screaming).  I couldn't really do anything, so I carried on.  Two different ladies tried to calm her, and she just screamed louder.  One of them brought her to the seat next to mine and she screamed even louder because I was sitting right there and wasn't picking her up.

A different Sunday, Miguel was out with the baby, and Ava begged to come up on the stand with me.  I told her in no uncertain terms that she was NOT to touch the buttons (didn't know how else to explain the keys).  She said okay with a really somber, brown-eyed look.  Well, I'm sitting there, playing the song, and she is sitting on a padded choir seat next to the organ.  Pretty soon I saw a finger creeping closer and closer and closer to the organ keys.  I was trying to maintain composure while I told her in my sternest whisper-voice, which got louder and louder "NOT touch the buttons!"  Now I'm messing up.  Heads of bishopric turning my way.  Little finger reaching anyway...BEEEEEEEEEEEP.   BEEEEEEEEEEEP.   HIGH pitched beep.  Meanwhile, I'm saying NO, NO, NO (making mistake, mistake, mistake,...voices faltering).  She stops pressing the high pitched keys and instead SITS on the pedals, which now issue a low-pitched continuous blare.  I didn't know what else to do, so I picked her up and sat her on the floor next to the organ.  Of course, the song went totally dead at that moment, as voices trailed off in a confused sort of LA la la    la        la.  I was so embarrassed I wanted to bury my head in the sand and never show my face again.  Yet after my song was over, I had lots of people come up to me and thank me for the halftime entertainment. "Thank you," one man said.  "I was falling asleep-- that is the most fun I've had in church in a long time."

Some other highlights of our Sunday circus:  one child drizzling water from the cup they just drank out of across the whole sacrament tray, contaminating four or five cups.  Along the same lines, various children of ours have hunted through the pieces of bread for just the right one (when these things happen we usually happen to be sitting helplessly at the other end of the bench). 

Maia, wanting to sing but not knowing how to read yet (bad, bad Mommy), singing The Star Spangled Banner when the hymn was something else entirely-- in the pauses between refrains you could hear a gusty "and the rockets red glare.....the bombs bursting in air...."

The holey tights.  During the week I forget they need tights....then when Sunday comes there is no choice but to wear the holey tights and hope their shoes will cover up the holes.  Of course, when I'm not paying attention, they take their shoes off and put their feet up on the bench (Maia demonstrates in the picture above) to advertise to the whole world that not only is their toe poking out (sometimes toeS), but their mom isn't the best toenail clipper. (We actually had someone bring their daughter's old tights over one Sunday after one of ours was running around like this).

A child who picks up a piece of bread that turns out to be about six inches long (normally they're one or two).  She stares at it and stares at it and stares at it.  Shakes it.  Shakes it again, holding it with just the tips of her fingers like a dead fish.  Still staring at it, about three inches from her face, with a very serious I-don't-know-what-to-do-now sort of look.  This gives Kaedon the giggles so bad that he just can't stop laughing.  Mom and Kaedon laughing for minutes to come.

Lots of other entertaining things happen, too, usually having to do with territorial parental lap-space or cheerios. 

I'll spare you the story about the time I was pregnant and thought of some friends (that we left behind in our last move) during a song and could NOT stop crying.  I was making those loud "heuh" sounds from sucking in large breaths between sobs.  I wanted to stop.  I was so embarrassed...but I COULD NOT STOP.  Miguel was looking over at me with a bewildered deer-in-the-headlights "what the heck is going on with my wife?"  sort of expression.  He scooted over next to me and put his arm around me and asked what was wrong, but that just made me cry harder.  I tried to explain, and that made it even worse.  I was trying... couldn't.....heuhhh.....get .....a ......breath.  Lets just say I laughed pretty hard afterward.  And hid in the bathroom for a few minutes.  (oops, I guess I didn't spare you the story)
Love this quote from a mom when I was a new mom myself, spending lots of time in the halls: "I just go to church to show the Lord whose team I'm on." 


Went for a beautiful walk, came home and gardened like a demon. 

On a whim I bought no less than 180 Otter Pops the other day that are already getting good use.  Ava figured out how to open them herself.  She came out with her third one in an hour and said "Mom, the green is the best one I tried yet!  Its the star of the show!" 

While I was planting some flowers, she and Emerson were having a great time in the dirt and with the hose.  Ava created her own little pot of goodness with one of my discarded plastic containers.  I noticed her hiding it when we were done.  She told me "Mom, don't touch my whirlpool."

Emerson was chucking the dirt out of one of my pots.  It was actually pretty cute.  One little chubby fistfull at a time, throwing it behind him.  The only bad thing: he fell off the porch and into some rose bush clippings; had dirt in every crevass of his face and a couple of thorns in his face and gums (ouch).  Nothing that a little loving, a bath, and more dirt chucking didn't fix.

I just love these little guys.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


One morning Kaedon and I were tying our shoes as we got ready to walk to the bus. I had a view of my floor from a different angle than I normally have, and lets just say it wasn't pretty. I had just mopped it the day before. Walked to the bus stop with the kids and returned, thinking nothing of what I had said. When I got inside, Maia was mopping and singing a song all about how she'd overheard her mom say the floor was dirty and her mom had just mopped it yesterday. She was very creatively mopping the floor during her creative song (she was spraying the floor spray into the air-- sorry I didn't catch that on camera).

Friday, May 25, 2012

First Playdate

From a few months ago. I was watching a friend's baby. My plan was to clean my messy room, so I had them both in there with a box of toys. They were so cute I grabbed my camera. I was embarrassed about my room so I put my quilt rack with a sheet over it to block the mess. I think it looks worse, but aren't the kids so darling?  He clearly liked her-- he made a kissy face (hard to tell in the first few pictures), laid his head on her shoulder, let her poke him in the ear, and let her take his toys. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Disney World Trip Part ...4? The End.

Here is the rundown on our trip:

First two nights at Nickelodeon Hotel w/Universal tickets (blog post here about Wizarding World of Harry Potter). We swam, watched part of a movie from the pool, there were quite a few people watching. Wish I got a pic. It reminded me of a child's version of this:

--Trevi Fountain, Rome, with some friends some of whose kids are now grown...what a fun memory.

In the end, this hotel wasn't our favorite. It felt dirty, and though there were some fun perks, like getting "slimed," we came to do Universal, so we spent all of our time there, making the extra perks a waste of money (lesson learned). Still fun, though.

Days two and three were spent in the Keys (here) and the Everglades (here). So nice. Long drive, the kids did great. Had a great laugh to "Where is my Hairbrush," and "Am I a Man or Am I a Muppet?" on rented van's satellite radio.

Day four we returned to Orlando. Went through Costco for our hotel/tickets-- this was nice because we had a kitchen and a washer/dryer.

Spent day five at Disney's Animal Kingdom (pics here), days six, seven, and eight at Epcott and Magic Kingdom, visited the Orlando temple, then returned home.  The following pictures are of those last days at Magic Kingdom and Epcott.

Loved this mosaic of Cinderella-- isn't it beautiful?
Castle at Disney World a little prettier than Disneyland?
The jokes on the Jungle Tour sailing over someone's head?
Pros for March visit: all the cool bushes/flowers.  Cons: busy time of year to go.

My favorite part of Epcott is the countries.  Norway was a favorite. 
 It was also one of my favorites when we visited Norway when K/Isa were little.  Here's a little blast from the past:

We had some really late nights waiting for the shuttle.  I thought I would die at some point, yet this provided just as much a great bonding time/memories as all the fun stuff.   More Norway below:

 Kaedon, Miguel and I loved the Bonzai trees in the Japan section.

 Morocco was my favorite when I was a teenager.  Walking through again reminded me why.  Loved it.

We visited the Orlando temple while we were there.  Beautiful and peaceful.

 Emerson cracked me up with how excited he got to see all the dressed up characters. (Back to Magic Kingdom)

 Waiting for Rapunzel (first thing in the day) was actually worth it.  It was in a beautiful grotto and they had coloring stuff for the kids.  She was adorable, notice how she tips her foot up. (can you see it in first pic?)  She was really cute with the kids.

 (back to Epcott) Isa especially wanted to visit "England" since that is where she was born (not at Disneyworld, thank heavens).

 Canada, O Canada.  We actually enjoyed the 360 movies, though there was no place to sit (standing only, baby gets heavy).  Welcome relief from the heat, too. 

The verdict: wonderful once-in-a-lifetime trip, awesome memories.  Highlights for the kids were Universal's Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Magic Kingdom, and the Keys/Everglades.  (Ava inserts that her favorite was Rapunzel) For Miguel and I: Harry Potter, the Keys, Animal Kingdom, and Epcott, though it doesn't quite have the same allure it had when I was 15 and hadn't travelled anywhere (Miguel said we could have travelled to Europe for the cost to go to Florida).  We probably tried to do too much, though the kids were troopers.  We did the Park Hopper option, which probably wasn't worth it (it takes so long to get to each park, its far for little legs to walk, and then you have to wait in line all over again, go through security again).  If I could do it again, I'd go in a different season (not so busy) and when the kids were a bit older.  That said, it was still a great trip!