Thursday, May 31, 2012


Went for a beautiful walk, came home and gardened like a demon. 

On a whim I bought no less than 180 Otter Pops the other day that are already getting good use.  Ava figured out how to open them herself.  She came out with her third one in an hour and said "Mom, the green is the best one I tried yet!  Its the star of the show!" 

While I was planting some flowers, she and Emerson were having a great time in the dirt and with the hose.  Ava created her own little pot of goodness with one of my discarded plastic containers.  I noticed her hiding it when we were done.  She told me "Mom, don't touch my whirlpool."

Emerson was chucking the dirt out of one of my pots.  It was actually pretty cute.  One little chubby fistfull at a time, throwing it behind him.  The only bad thing: he fell off the porch and into some rose bush clippings; had dirt in every crevass of his face and a couple of thorns in his face and gums (ouch).  Nothing that a little loving, a bath, and more dirt chucking didn't fix.

I just love these little guys.

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