Tuesday, May 29, 2012


One morning Kaedon and I were tying our shoes as we got ready to walk to the bus. I had a view of my floor from a different angle than I normally have, and lets just say it wasn't pretty. I had just mopped it the day before. Walked to the bus stop with the kids and returned, thinking nothing of what I had said. When I got inside, Maia was mopping and singing a song all about how she'd overheard her mom say the floor was dirty and her mom had just mopped it yesterday. She was very creatively mopping the floor during her creative song (she was spraying the floor spray into the air-- sorry I didn't catch that on camera).


Smitty said...

How cute Maia is. What a kill! Loved it

Smitty said...

I love "Cinder-Maia"....fun!