Sunday, September 9, 2012

One Truck Mind

I have a little boy who is suddenly interested in anything vehicle!  Kaedon used to love Bob the Builder at this age, and one day I was thinking wistfully that I just can't expect to relive Kaedon's childhood through Emerson, that I need to let him be himself, you know the drill.  Then, overnight, Emerson developed an interest in those things, and he has taken it to new extremes.  :)

First, he went through a phase where every vehicle was "a truck."  In New York, he loved to perch on my sister's couch and watch all the traffic, saying over and over and over "a truck. a truck. a truck. a truck."  I think it is so adorable.  He did this on the airplane, too, and I wondered if it bothered anyone to, you know, hear him say truck like 50 times in a minute.

Well, suddenly, he learned how to say the word "tractor."  Then suddenly, everything was "a tractor."  Pronounced a trA--ck--ter (emphasis high on the "A" with a little cute pause as if it takes a lot of effort to coordinate those sylables, which I'm sure it does!). 

Now he has turned his one truck mind into a well-trained one, if you know what I'm hinting at!  Now everything is "a train."  He calls corn "train."  He calls drinks "train."  Yesterday, he pointed at his drink and said "Trrr---ain." (same pause in the middle, trying to reach the second half of the word with care).  Then he paused.  And he said, concentrating, "trrrrrack."  Ha ha.  He called his drink a "train track."  Do you think he loves trains and trucks and tractors?  I think it is the cutest thing.

Enjoy these random pictures I took of him when in the mountains with family last week.



1 comment:

Jenni Austria Germany said...

he is so happy to be on that tractor!

p.s. i love the pooh bear nursery.