Friday, April 6, 2012

Why I'm a Mormon -- Its Not About the Casseroles

Thanks be to some irreverent musicals and seedy politicians :) for highlighting the mass populace's misconceptions about Mormonism. 

I used to get feeling really upset by being told I'm not Christian, but I've realized I know in my heart that I believe, and I know He knows, and that's all that matters.  That said, I have tried to be more open on this blog about my Mormonism, not with the intention to convert anyone but rather to help demystify my beloved but misunderstood church. :)

There are times when it is easy to be a Mormon, like when we moved seven times in nine years and each time had an instant house of friends, and there are times when it is hard to be a Mormon, like when I'm asked if I have horns and how many mothers I have-- no and one are the answers. :)

Here are some reasons why I'm a Mormon:

1)  A God of love.  I believe in a God who loves me and knows me as an individual.  So many times in my life I have been reminded that He loves me, watches over me, strengthens me, forgives me.  He's been there for me when all others were gone.

2)  His Son.  I am SO imperfect, yet his redemptive power allows me to be better each day.  Love this scripture --"Therefore if any man be ain Christ, he is a bnew creature: cold things are dpassed away; behold, all things are become enew."(2 Cor 5:17)  I also look to His example as the ultimate in compassion, forgiveness, unselfishness, non-judgment, and just plain awesomeness.  He is the hope that lets me see beyond the grave to loved ones lost, who are not lost to Him.  (Some fave talks: Broken Things to Mend and None Were With Him)

3)  A living prophet.   We have challenges unique to our times and Heavenly Father has provided customized answers through his prophet-- He loves us as much today as he loved the people during the times of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus Christ.  I can't tell you how many times I have received answers to my problems or questions -- here are some favorites. 

On the greatest commandment- love.

On prioritizing.

It is a challenge in today's world as Hollywood and others continue to pressure women to be a certain size and even objectify us.  In one of my favorite talks, a modern apostle reminds us that God looks on the inside, that beauty is not a certain size but a way of being. (toward the latter half of this talk)

Having a living prophet is like being given a road map by someone who has been to the destination one is trying to reach. With this map we can choose to avoid the detours, pitfalls, and delays we might experience should we try to find said place on our own (not that we will avoid all heartache, we'll just avoid unnecessary heartache-- we don't have to do it all ourselves). When I do fall, He isn't there to throw the first stone but rather to help me up.

4)  Happiness.  God's ultimate goal for us is our happiness now and forever.  Just as a parent sees the big picture for their children, I know He sees the big picture for me.  I face hard times that seem insurmountable just like everyone else does.  In addition, living the gospel is just plain work some days.   But everything worthwhile in this life seems to require effort.  Just like running may not always be pleasurable in the moment, but it gives me long term health and satisfaction long afterward, so it is with trying to live like Christ. 

5) The Spirit and logic.  Over time I've come to learn the reality of these things through the Spirit, yet at the same time being a Mormon makes a lot of logical sense to me.  (I love the song The Big Mistake by David Wilcox)

6) My little family!  Nothing in this world means more to me than they do.  Even in the hard times, they are who I live for and would die for.  Through Jesus Christ, I can be their mommy forever, even as they have families of their own.  (   A modern prophet on how God feels about children.

That is why I'm a Mormon, not because of the casseroles or the jello (yuck), the politicians or the  musicals, not because I'm brainwashed or just following my parents.  It what I choose because it makes me want to be a better person, it makes me happy, and it is what I believe.

Even if people don't agree with us, I hope they will educate themselves about what we really believe from Mormons themselves and not well-meaning members of other faiths.  There is a lot of jello at stake.


Carli said...

Amen! Thanks for sharing this! Beautifully written.

Marie said...

I've been catching up on your family!! You guys are so great! Sounds like things are going so well! I love reading your blog posts. We miss ya!