Saturday, August 11, 2012

Inspiring, Fiery Women

A few months ago we had the opportunity to meet Shannon Hale at the book signing connected to her most recent Austenland book.  I wasn't sure if it would be worth it, it was a busy Saturday and we had places to go and things to do (Saturdays are so precious these days!).  We decided to swing over on our way to somewhere else, and I'll admit I was half expecting no one to be there (it seemed weird that she'd be in a normal bookshop in the town next to ours) or the line to be so long we'd just say forget it.

Neither were true-- the line was short and she was indeed there.  I have been a fan for a while-- I especially loved her books The Goose Girl and Book of a Thousand Days (better for tweens or older).  These are beautifully written, fresh takes on old or unknown fairy tales, with strong heroines.  This describes most of her other books for young adults (I've only read one of her adult books, purchased at this book signing, and it was just okay).  One can tell from reading her books that Hale probably has some spunk of her own, that she is intelligent, strong, and witty.

She was just what I expected.  She had witty comebacks for all my husband's sporting jabs (he had to make her pay for making him stand in line on a Saturday), and was quite good-natured and pleasant.  She spent a few good minutes asking each of our kid's names and asking each one a personal question.  I personally enjoyed meeting her, and wondered if my kids felt the same (I couldn't tell from their faces at the time...).

I kind of forgot about it, but half way into our long drive afterward, I overheard my kids talking in the backseat.  Isa and Maia were deciding together how to split up the work of writing a book.  They decided that Isa would be the author and Maia would be the illustrator.  (Later Kaedon was added in as an editor)  Right there I was thankful that we stopped, thankful for a strong, spunky woman who served as a role model, and who daily creates strong female role models for my own energetic girls. (here)

Since that day, they have made good on their bargain.  Periodically I will hear the tap-tapping of keys in the computer room, peek in thinking someone is up to no good :), and discover Isa, typing away on her book.  Maia spends plenty of time "illustrating," though less specifically.   Aside from naming all her characters names from the Percy Jackson books :), and describing them all as "skinny" (with varied colored eyes), I think her book is awesome!  The story is engaging and interesting, the dialogue is good, and the writing is...kind of surprisingly amazing!  (If I can get the author's permission, I'll post some of it).  Incidentally, little Isa shares a lot of the same qualities as Hale's characters and Hale herself.  And something to inspire her use of all the energy, wit, intelligence, and resourcefulness she has oozing out of every cute pore.

Thank you Shannon Hale.

(btw, one of Hale's characters is quite literally "fiery"-- in Enna Burning--  Ha ha.)

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